Our Process

We Pride Ourselves On Our Process

All plans come included with:

Internal Alignment with Home Healthcare Agencies

Internal Alignment

We begin with making sure everyone is on the same page. Creating goals is the beginning of the strategy. Laying out your company goals comes from your company's mission and vision. From here we will map out a plan to get there.

Build brand recognition with your home healthcare agency

Brand Recognition

GOMINGO builds your brands reputation by creating resonance with prospects, patients, adult children, referral partners and industry professionals.

Defining your Patient's Journey with your home healthcare agency

Patient's Journey

We focus on the complete experience and including all parties involved with decision making process. We encourage reviews and we help home healthcare agencies improve their relationship-focused patients achieve their desired outcomes.

Grow your home healthcare agency network

Grow Your Network

Stay top of mind with patients, referral partners, adult children by utilizing GOMINGO's Knowledge and Nurture strategies.

We continuously Measure and Adjust your strategies

Continually Measure and Adjust

With good data you can make good decisions. Tracking your agencies' progress and tweaking what is necessary to grow at a pace that's right for you.

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